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Pereion Solutions Blog

Leverage Customer Experience (CX) Analytics to Drive Business Value

by Steven Perry

As customer expectations continue to soar, the customer experience has become a make-or-break component for business success. At the same time, you are under increasing pressure to drive digital transformation across all areas of your business – and to do so within tight budgets where your investment in optimizing customer experiences translates into significant value to your business and fosters profitable growth. Fortunately, the right CX Analytic solutions can help you move beyond traditional web analytics and leverage your customer data to increase ROI and deliver the extraordinary customer experiences that can facilitate successful digital transformation of your business. In fact, based on a recent Forrester Total Economic Impact™ Study, Tealeaf CX Analytics demonstrated a potential three-year risk adjusted result of 196% ROI with a payback period of 4 months, offering significant business value.

It is a Great Time to be a Tealeaf on Premise Customer!

by Steven Perry

At the end of June of this year, IBM sold the key elements of the Watson Marketing portfolio to a private equity company, Centerbridge Partners, enabling the formation of a new “Martech” company called Acoustic. One of the gems of this sale was Tealeaf CX Analytics. Tealeaf has been available as an “on Premise” product as well as a “SaaS based” offering for several years. Unfortunately, there had not been a new release of the on Premise version of the product for quite a few years. Whereas, the cloud or SaaS version of the product has seen the bulk of the investment and regular monthly releases. A new version, v10, of Tealeaf on Premise was released almost to the day of the start of Acoustic; the new name is Acoustic Customer Experience Analytics.

Introducing Acoustic - Market, Brilliantly.

by Kristin Bonazoli

It's official!  Acoustic was launched, Monday, 7/15/19, as the largest independent marketing cloud to offer a comprehensive suite of AI-powered solutions which include Campaign, Content, Analytics, Personalization and Exchange.  Formed by Centerbridge Partners who recently acquired IBM’s Watson Marketing Portfolio, Acoustic is focused on empowering marketers with purpose-built solutions which will enable them to "unleash the brilliance" and give them the "freedom to do their best work."  Click herefor the press release on Acoustic's formal announcement.

Tealeaf Fundamentals Training offered at DC RUG

by Kristin Bonazoli

The Washington, DC Tealeaf Regional Users Group (RUG) meeting is right around the corner and Pereion Solutions is pleased to be providing Tealeaf Fundamentals Training on day 2 of the event.  Scheduled on both Tuesday, 7/30/19 and Wednesday, 7/31/19, the DC Tealeaf RUG is a great opportunity to learn more about Tealeaf best practices, hear about client success stories and expand your knowledge of Tealeaf's robust analytic capabilities.

Pereion and Tealeaf at Forrester CX NYC

by Kristin Bonazoli

The Forrester CX NYC Conference wrapped up last week and Pereion Solutions was proud to showcase important Tealeaf use cases at the event's IBM Tealeaf Experience Zone.  Steven Perry was available for the duration of the conference answering questions and providing deep dives into several Tealeaf use cases that can be implemented to improve digital intelligence, create actionable insights and facilitate digital transformation.

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This blog provides insight and tips on Digital Customer Experience Analytics, Web Analytics and Tag Management, and A/B Testing and Personalization to optimize web and mobile experience.

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